Hello, Fall! It’s officially that beautiful time of the year when the leaves change color, the air gets crisper, and your hair gets less frizzy.
Smooth hair aside, just like trees drop their leaves as a form of self-protection in the Fall, it’s time for you to drop those things from your agenda and to-do’s that no longer serve you. It’s a form of self-care.
Say Bye, Bye, Bye!
Similar to the process of cleaning out your closet, we’re going to create buckets for the tasks on your to-do list to get rid of tasks and activities that no longer serve you, giving you more room for greater happiness, health, and wealth in all areas of your life.
The three buckets are:
Let’s unpack each of these!
Pull out your agenda or your list of things to do. These can include a combination of your own personal agenda and your work calendar or project management software. As you go through your weekly agenda and recurring things to do list, objectively consider in which bucket you are going to put each activity or task.
Bucket #1 | Keep it.
If you’re keeping an activity on your agenda…love it, wear it, own it! In other words, you’re all in on this activity until you decide not to be. Don’t begrudge it. Go forth and prosper!
This is not a BFF relationship. You can always come back and move any of these tasks to the other buckets at a later time.
The activities to keep are those that:
Contribute to your overall well-being.
Cannot currently be done by others due to your expertise.
You enjoy doing.
Bring you joy.
Contribute to the overall well-being of your family.
Contribute to the overall health of your business.
You can always come back to this list later and see if some of these tasks can be either delegated or effectively kept in play using leverage instead of your time.
BONUS: Thank these experiences for the contributions they make to your happiness, overall well-being, and wealth.
Bucket #2 | Eliminate it all-together.
In the famous words of NSYNC, bye-bye-bye! Oh yeah, get rid of those daily things you do that don’t serve you or your overall well-being. Just stop doing them and replace them with something that serves your wellness goals.
Here are some examples of tasks that you can eliminate all-together:
Scrolling through social media
Trolling your ex on social media
Watching TV daily for hours
Playing video games
Mindless internet browsing
Answering emails as soon as they come in.
Online gambling
Gossiping or putting others down
Pointless meetings
Working way past 6 pm
BONUS: As you choose to eliminate these things, thank them for how they have served you. Did you learn a lesson from the experience? Did you laugh? Did you enjoy hours of entertainment? Did you grow from the challenges you faced?
Thank the experience and let the Universe* know that you are ready for new experiences that bring you joy, health, and wealth.
Here are some activities that you can replace them with:
Reading a book
Watching a documentary
Enjoying lunch with a friend or a family member
Answering emails during time-blocked times during the day
Spending time playing or talking with the kids every day.
Talking, cuddling, walking, or playing with your partner
Pointing out all the good qualities of your friends, family, and neighbors
Working out
Going for a walk
Some pampering
Going on a weekend getaway
Planning your nutritious menu for the week
Spending quality time with your elderly parents or neighbors
BONUS: Keep adding to this list with activities that bring you happiness, health, and wealth. Be open to new positive experiences and people. Invite those new experiences in.
Bucket #3 | Delegate.
Like Oprah said (somewhat), “You get a task! You get a task! You get a task! Everyone gets a task!
Identify which tasks you are going to delegate and who you are going to ask to take them on.
Whether at home or the office, delegating tasks is an art. From a well-being standpoint, consider who would be most aligned with the task such that it is an extension of who they are, what they love or enjoy, how it can benefit them, and/or how it can serve as an opportunity to lift them up.
This approach is not only for their well-being but also for yours. You’ll be able to rest easy knowing that the task is being well taken care of and you’ll know that you are making a contribution to someone else.
An alternative approach to delegating is to ask for volunteers for the tasks you wish to delegate. This increases the likelihood that the task will get done with greater buy-in.
Be sure to acknowledge volunteers, offer encouragement and support, and be generous with authentic praise. These actions will contribute to your wellness as well as theirs.
BONUS: Thank the Universe* for these experiences and the abundance in your life such that you can delegate these tasks and contribute to their growth and wellness.
Download the workbook and keep the worksheets handy in a visible place so you can add to them, refer back to them at any time, and check things off as you eliminate them with one of the strategies.
Be sure to add how much time you will save with each task you eliminate, delegate, and/or leverage away.
Download the workbook now.
*Universe. Feel free to replace the word Universe with God, Universal God Source, Source, or whatever reference is right for you in terms of a higher source. You are supported. You are guided. You are loved.