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Turn Your Fear Into Freedom 

Writer's picture: Vickie Reine, CWCVickie Reine, CWC

Updated: Nov 24, 2024

Fear is our biggest foe and our biggest friend. Fear helps protect us from real danger but it can also hold us hostage in the face of imagined danger. In this article, I'll tell you how to turn your fear into freedom. Includes a downloadable worksheet and exercises.

For the past year and change, I’ve been afraid to do something that billions of people do all day, every on social media. I was afraid because of what I imagined people would say when they saw that I: 

  1. Have an amputated finger. I had an accident when I was six years old that resulted in my right index finger being amputated. 

  2. Have some hyperpigmentation & scarring from acne. I had severe cystic acne as a teenager. 

This fear, although not present in my everyday life, rushed to the surface whenever I would think about having to take pictures or videos for social media. 

As a wellness coach, I realized that this fear was:

  1. Indicative of something inside of me that needed healing.

  2. Costing me the fulfillment of my purpose.

My fear was outweighing my purpose, self-expression, and the contribution I know I am meant to make. I was stuck in the “Freeze” stage in my response to fear. Here's what that means.

The 3 Stages of Fear

Fear is a primal emotion that has played a critical and protective role in the evolution and survival of the human race as a species. In ancient times, fear made sure we ran away from ferocious animals lurking in the bush to enhance our chances of survival.

Today, fear continues to alert us to physical threats from ferocious animals but also to other real and imagined threats.

Research has shown that our response to fear is automatic and it usually occurs in three primary stages:

  • Freeze: This primal reaction literally has us stop in our tracks, frozen in an attempt to keep us hidden from a predator, threat, or harm. It's automatic. 

  • Flight: We're all familiar with the fight or flight response. When you encounter something that is causing fear of harm, adrenaline can kick in to help you run away and try to escape as quickly as possible.

  • Fight: In the fight response, our brain has gone through the various scenarios in nanoseconds, and we are choosing to overcome the danger by fighting it. One of the ways we do that is with physical strength.

I was stuck in the "freeze" response to perceived danger when it came to posting on social media for The Wellpreneur Life.

  • Are you stuck in one of these stages when it comes to your fear(s)?

Understand Your Fear

Understanding why you are experiencing fear is the first step toward freedom.  

The context of your fear is essential. My fear was that of what others might say. Posting on social media would not place me in physical danger, but there was a perceived threat to my emotional and mental well-being.

However, I also recognize that I can reach and contribute to more people if I am on social media. The traumas I've experienced—my amputated finger and acne scars, among others—are part of my story, path, truth, and strength as a wellness coach. I overcame these traumas. I have advocated for myself in the face of these traumas, and as a result, I can advocate, encourage, and lift up others with greater compassion.

Understanding that my fears were keeping me from my purpose and that my experiences were part of my story and strengths helped me heal and free myself from fear's hold.

  • What insight can you gain from your fear(s)? What needs to be healed?

Get Support

One of the first things you can do on your journey to healing is asking for support. Creating a support system around you is an essential factor in your journey to transforming fear into freedom. Depending on where you are in your journey to healing and the nature of your trauma, that support system can consist of:

  • Yourself. Be your biggest advocate, supporter, and champion.

  • Close friends you can trust and that have your best interests at heart.

  • Licensed therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, etc.

  • Wellness coach

  • A partner you trust, is on your team, and has your best interests at heart.

  • Support groups

  • Primary care provider

  • Specialized professionals

If you haven't been an active member of your own support team, start by adding yourself to the top of the list. Asking for support is one way to support yourself. Keep in mind that it is OK to make adjustments to your team as you go forward.

  • Who is on / who can you add to your support team?

Take Action

Helping others lead happier, healthier, and wealthier lives is my purpose.

My fears were costing me fully expressing my purpose. When I realized this, I decided to free myself and no longer allow my fears to keep me from my purpose. 

I started creating social media and blog posts with pictures and videos. When my purpose became the driver, I stopped thinking about the picture or the video. I am free to think about the message, the contribution, and how I can bring value to you and others.

  • What action could you take toward healing and freedom?

Turn Your Fears into Freedom

Are fears keeping you from your purpose, doing something you love, or something else?

Download this workseet.

Look inside of yourself and see where you may have some fears that are stopping you from doing something.


  • What is your fear costing you?

  • What needs to be healed?

  • Is this part of your bigger story, path, journey?

As you go through this process, show yourself grace and compassion and look for the joy and the wonder of your story. Download the worksheet here.


Vickie Reine | Entrepreneur & Wellness Coach

I work with women entrepreneurs to create happier, healthier, & wealthier lives, starting today.

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